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英格索蘭百年企業(yè) 值得信賴的節(jié)能專家 傳,智慧創(chuàng)新--承,優(yōu)良品質(zhì)




發(fā)布者:wubaiyi    發(fā)布時間:2020-11-04

空壓機是不少企業(yè)主要的機械動力設(shè)備之一,保持空壓機***操作是非常必要的。嚴格執(zhí)行空壓機操作規(guī)程,不僅有助于延長空壓機的使用壽命,而且能確??諌簷C操作人員***,下面我們來了解一下空壓機操作規(guī)程。 Air compressor is one of the main mechanical and power equipment in many enterprises, so it is very necessary to maintain safe operation of air compressor. Strictly executing the operating rules of the air compressor not only helps to prolong the service life of the air compressor, but also ensures the safety of the operating personnel of the air compressor. Here we will understand the operating rules of the air compressor. 1.1 空壓機開車前認真檢查油氣分離器油位并檢查有無泄漏,停車油位應(yīng)位于油位標記的2/3,當停車時油位低時要補充潤滑油,嚴禁低油位開車。 1.1 air compressor carefully check oil gas separator oil level before driving and check if there is leakage, the parking oil level should be located in the oil level marked 2/3, when parking low oil level should be supplemented with lubricating oil, strictly prohibit low oil level driving. 1.2 檢查空壓機出口管道與壓縮冷空氣儲罐之間暢通,所有必要閥門打開,嚴禁出口閥門在關(guān)閉狀態(tài)下開啟空壓機,造成螺桿超壓運行。 1.2 check the outlet pipe of the air compressor and the compressed cold air tank, all the necessary valves are opened, and the outlet valve is strictly forbidden to open the air compressor in the closed state, causing the screw overpressure to run. 1.3 檢查控制面板有無維護指示,如有,通知維修部門進行維護。 1.3 check whether the control panel has maintenance instructions, if necessary, inform the maintenance department for maintenance. 1.4 檢查驅(qū)動電機正反轉(zhuǎn)方向,主要是電源接線相序變化時,**點動試轉(zhuǎn),以免電機反轉(zhuǎn)造成危險及損壞設(shè)備。 1.4 check that the driving motor is in the direction of reversing, mainly when the power supply wiring phase sequence changes, it is necessary to move the test circuit to avoid the danger of motor reversing and damage the equipment. 1.5 開車時先打開空壓機出口閥門,關(guān)閉冷凝液排污閥,接通空壓機電源。 1.5 turn on the outlet valve of the air compressor, turn off the condensate drain valve and connect the air compressor power supply when driving. 1.6 按下電源復(fù)位鍵,控制面板上出現(xiàn)“準備開車”。 1.6 press the power reset button and "ready to drive" appears on the control panel. 1.7 按開車鍵開車,壓縮機加載運行,設(shè)定空壓機的加載及卸載壓力需在合適的區(qū)間內(nèi)。一般兩者壓力差要求大于0.6bar,以免空壓機頻繁加載和卸載。 1.7 press the start button to start the compressor. When the compressor is loaded, the loading and unloading pressure of the air compressor should be set in the appropriate interval. Generally, the pressure difference between the two is greater than 0.6bar, so as to avoid frequent loading and unloading of air compressors. 1.8 每班檢查一次控制屏上排氣壓力、排氣溫度、運行狀態(tài)、故障報警、保養(yǎng)信息等參數(shù)及信息,一旦發(fā)現(xiàn)有維護提示及時通知維修部門進行處理。 1.8 check the parameters and information of the exhaust pressure, exhaust temperature, running state, fault alarm and maintenance information on the control screen once in each class. Once the maintenance tips are found, the maintenance department is promptly informed of the maintenance department to deal with it. 1.9 每班**至少一次手動對空壓機出口管道、壓縮空氣儲罐、過濾器底部排水。 1.9 every shift must be manually drained to the outlet of the air compressor, compressed air storage tank and filter bottom at least once. 1.10 空壓機房溫度控制 35℃以下,空壓機排氣溫度控制在75-95℃之間,避免冷凝水析出將油乳化。 1.10 the temperature of the air compressor room is controlled below 35 C. the exhaust temperature of the air compressor is controlled between 75-95 degrees, so that the condensate can be avoided to emulsify the oil. 1.11 任何時候**保證至少一臺空壓機運行,給消防報警閥室消防設(shè)備提供壓縮空氣。 1.11 at any time, we must ensure that at least one air compressor runs and provide compressed air to the fire alarm valve room fire control equipment. 1.12 ??諌簷C時按下停車鍵,需要 30s 延時,關(guān)閉出口排氣閥。 1.12 when the air compressor is stopped, pressing the stop button will require 30s delay and close the outlet exhaust valve. 1.13 切斷電源,并手動排污數(shù)次。 1.13 cut off the power supply and discharge the sewage several times manually. 1.14 緊急狀態(tài),按下屏幕上紅色緊急停車按鍵,嚴禁使用。 1.14 emergency, press the red emergency stop button on the screen, and strictly prohibit use. 1.15 每周一白班更換一次空壓機和冷干機運行順序,先啟動一臺運行正常后再停止另一臺??諌簷C停止后用壓縮空氣吹掃冷干機和空壓機的散熱片;檢查油位不低于視鏡的下三分之一處,必要時進行加油。 1.15 change the running sequence of air compressor and chill machine every Monday on the day shift. First start one and run normally, then stop another one. After the air compressor is stopped, use the compressed air to blow out the radiator of the cold dry machine and the air compressor; check the oil level not less than the lower 1/3 of the mirror, and fill the gas when necessary. 1.16 每周一白班值班長安排清潔人員打掃空壓機房地面和設(shè)備表面衛(wèi)生,避免塵土產(chǎn)生。 1.16 every Monday, the duty squad leader arranges the cleaning personnel to clean the surface of the air compressor room and the surface of the equipment so as to avoid dust generation.

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